Monday, February 2, 2009

How It All Began

Anybody who knows me or even sees me will know that I love knitting. I do it all the time, literally. I knit when I wake up, I knit before I go to sleep. I knit whenever I have free time: when I'm watching tv, on car rides, during doctor office waits, WHENVER. I think I can finally call myself an obsessed knitter as when I'm not knitting, I'm blogging about it or reading about it. I do it so much my partner often scolds me about doing it during our "quality" time together. During family get togethers and parties when noone's paying attention to me, I seek the comforts of knitting in some quiet corner with those who share the same sentiments.

I'm not a poet, as you can see. Although the prospects of writing a love poem to knitting seems possible in my condition, I just want to document my journey into knitting. You know, discuss my trials and tribulations, epiphanies and misunderstanding (of instructions), economics and power, and the whole nine yards.

But before I do all that, let me mention first and foremost that I love crocheting too. It doesn't do much justice to talk about knitting all the time when I actually prefer crocheting. Why? Because:
1. it's more economical (just one hook, not the SPNs or the DPNs or the cables and circular needles associated with knitting)
2. it's more "freelance" (you can practically insert that hook into ANY hole, making freeform crocheting more possible. However, most knitters will tell you that it's this quality about crocheting that puts them off the most)
3. it produces fabric faster than knitting.
4. it's easier to crochet in the round than knitting in the round. (I haven't yet had the money to buy circulars. Still yet too confusing knitting with them. I made the mistake of buying short DPNs, so my stitches keep slipping off the needles.)

However, I do knit more than I crochet. I can explain the reasons, but this might make this blog long and drawn. I simply type in knit() because I don't want to insert knit/crochet all the time.

Anyway, going back to why I started this blog. I've been knitting so much and making so much progress over the past 6 months that I felt if I kept this up, I'd forget where it all began or how I've developed. Being one to forget VERY easily, I don't want to that to happen with knitting and crocheting. So here's my attempt at that.

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